Meet the Barkers was a reality television series that aired on MTV. The series followed the everyday life of married couple Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler, and their three children. Meet the Barkers lasted two seasons, airing 16 episodes.
Shanna Moakler (born March 28, 1975) is a former Miss New York USA, Miss USA (received crown when the winner Chelsi Smith became Miss Universe), and Playboy model. She played "Monica Harper" on the television series Pacific Blue from 1998 to 2000.
Atiana Cecelia de la Hoya (born March 29, 1999) is the daughter of Moakler and boxer Oscar de la Hoya.
Landon Asher Barker (born October 9, 2003) is Barker and Moakler's son.
Alabama Luella Barker (born December 24, 2005) is Barker and Moakler's daughter. She was born during the production of season two and only shown in the final episode. Despite the Barkers celebrating Christmas with Alabama present, scenes involving the then-infant were filmed in early 2006. .